Friday, September 29, 2017

Visual Stimulation

Visual Stimulation

How to teach your child to see better

Infant visual stimulation help children see better. The more vision is used, the greater the likelihood of better visual functioning. The driving thrust of visual stimulation is to help the child develop all of his physical and emotional abilities.

From birth, children use visual skills to progressively conquer their environment. The eye gives them the necessary information about the size, shapes and colors of the objects and people around them and the movements they perform. The visual stimuli they receive invite them to explore space, to move the toy and to smile at their mother as she approaches.

Good vision also helps them improve their eye-hand coordination by picking up objects within their reach or by looking at them. His first steps are facilitated by the vision, and the conquest of space and the exit to the unfamiliar environment demand a visual capacity running at full capacity.

Early visual stimulation in infants

The child with visual difficulties should learn all this as well, but he needs guidance in the way of this learning. With an early stimulation of the visual learning processes this goal can be achieved and avoided that this visual deficiency can lead to alterations in his/her personality because the visual disability is also multifunctional. With the early stimulation of visual-motor skills the ability to think and with it the opportunity to deal with people also varies. This facilitates social behavior and the ability to assert oneself in a group.

The evolutionary visual acuity of infants

The development of visual acuity is necessary for the evolution of the accommodation. Visual acuity improves by three months and approaches the adult's own values ​​at six months. When two years later, the child uses his vision in increasingly complex tasks, it is usually discovered that there is a problem.

Learning to see better in childhood

Visual stimulation is a technique that requires the preparation of an individualized program of activities that follows a sequence of visual experiences aimed at seeking an improvement in visual functioning. 

How to stimulate the child's vision

The more vision is used, the greater and better visual functioning. Therefore, visual stimulation will be more likely to succeed, if you take these recommendations into account:

- Short age. The smaller the child, the greater the likelihood of rapid progress in the use of vision.
- Motivation. Girls and boys need to be encouraged to use their vision in all tasks and activities so that they can progress.
- Keep in touch. Teach the low vision child to work by keeping eye contact with objects and especially with people.
- Explore. Stimulate outdoor exploration in the playground or in physical education classes allowing normal falls caused by the mis-calculation of distances. Overprotection should be avoided.
- Promote reading. Even when you read very slowly, moving your head or book instead of your eyes. If you get tired and skip lines or lose the thread you can switch from task to one less visually demanding.
- Contrasts. White paper and black ink provide the highest visibility and contrast.
- Glasses and magnifying glasses. They favor the use of a person's vision, but can not return normal vision.

Visual Discrimination implies the ability to determine the exact characteristics of a form compared to others of similar characteristics. In the process of learning to read, it is important to have developed visual discrimination, otherwise they would encounter the following difficulties: Confusion of similar words. They confuse similarities and differences. Errors in words with similar beginnings or endings We propose to practice Visual Discrimination in children with these illustrative and entertaining exercises.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Mis 5 super poderes, mis 5 sentidos

Nuestros super poderes se aprenden mejor con una cancion, y si no diselo a ellos. En clase, aprendemos los cinco sentidos (en espanol) con este divertido video de La Payasa Agapita.

Explorando y usando los cinco sentidos podemos ayudar a nuestros mas pequenos en su desarrollo cognitivo. Durante la etapa de la infancia sus cerebros estan en desarrollo, por lo que es el momento oportuno para ayudarles. De hecho, los estimulos que provienen del exterior, a través de sus experiencias con sus sentidos (vista, oído, olfato, tacto y gusto) les ayudan en todo este proceso. Estas experiencias les ayudan a construir conexiones permanentes y fuertes en el cerebro.

Desde el principio, a medida que las comunicaciones neuronales en el cerebro del infante se fortalecen a través de experiencias repetidas, se forman conexiones permanentes que estructuran la forma en que un niño aprende. Si no se utiliza un camino, se elimina basándose en el principio de "usarlo o perderlo". Las cosas que usted hace una sola vez, bien o mal, son algo menos probables tener un efecto en el desarrollo del cerebro.

A continuación proponemos algunas actividades para cada uno de los sentidos:


Su hijo desarrollará sus preferencias de gusto basado en lo que se alimenta temprano en la vida. No es genético, se ha aprendido. La investigación concluye que los adolescentes y los adultos eligen alimentos y bebidas basándose en lo que fueron alimentados como infantes.

  • Ensalada de frutas
Hacer una ensalada de frutas. Pregunte: ¿Ves diferentes tipos de fruta en el tazón? Elija diferentes tipos de fruta y permita que su hijo tome un bocado de cada uno. ¿Qué sabor tienen? ¿Has tenido esa fruta antes? ¿Sabe bien?

Papilas gustativas

Hay 4 papilas gustativas principales situadas en nuestras lenguas amargas, amargas, saladas, dulces. Permita que su hijo pruebe diferentes tipos de comida para ver qué gustos prefieren. ¿A qué sabe esto? (amargo, amargo, salado o dulce)


Su hijo usa sus oídos para recibir información sobre el mundo que les rodea. Desarrollar la capacidad de escucha con atención les ayuda a obtener información importante de usted, de sus maestros y todas las personas a su alrededor. Al igual que otras habilidades, aprender a escuchar requiere práctica. Proponemos las siguientes actividades para reforzar este sentido.

  • Juegos de Escuchar
Puedes jugar con un tablero o  cartas con tu hijo para ver lo bien que escucha. Escuchar es una habilidad importante cuando juegas. Otra actividad eficaz sería ocultar un reloj con sonido en una habitación y ver si su hijo puede encontrarlo.

  • Modelado
Usa tus manos y haz patrones de palmas juntos. Lleve la secuencia de aplausos y aliente a su hijo a repetirla. Una vez que cada uno ha tenido un turno en la dirección de las secuencias de aplauso, intente hacer lo mismo usando las campanas. ¿Es más difícil repetir la secuencia de la campana? ¿Te gusta escuchar las campanas? ¿Qué sonido es más fuerte?

Ejemplo de una secuencia de aplausos: Aplauso lento, lento-rápido, rápido.


Nos sentimos principalmente a través de nuestras manos y pies. ¿Sabías que los pies tienen miles de nervios que van directamente al cerebro? Deje que su niño se sienta con los pies; es tan importante como sus manos. Su niño aprende sobre su ambiente a través del tacto. Aprenden sobre su cuerpo y cómo comunicarse con otros. La participación en este tipo de actividades mejora sus habilidades motoras finas. Estas habilidades le ayudarán a su hijo a sujetar un lápiz, atar sus zapatos, abotonar su ropa y usar tijeras.

  • Dominó con textura
A todo el mundo, o al menos a la mayoría, le encanta el dominó. Anime a su hijo/a a usar sus dedos para tocar y sentir los bloques y combinarlos de acuerdo a cómo se sienten.

  • Pintura con los pies
Remangue el pantalón de su niño/a, y pídales que pasen en una cacerola o bandeja con up poco de pintura de su color favorito, para experimentar la sensación de la pintura entre sus dedos del pie. Pregúntele a su hijo cómo se siente. ¿Es suave o áspera? ¿Es frío o caliente? ¿Es pegajoso o suave?


Después del nacimiento, el sentido del olfato es una de las primeras cosas que le une a su hijo. Con el tiempo, ciertos aromas se vuelven reconfortantes porque son familiares, y esto puede ser la razón por la cual su hijo puede preferir que sus objetos de seguridad permanezcan sin lavar. Están unidos al olor de su manta o oso.

  • Ojos vendados
Encuentre algunos perfumes familiares como café, extractos usados ​​para hornear, etc. Haga los ojos a los ojos a su niño y coloque el olor debajo de su nariz. ¿Qué huele? ¿Conocen el olor?


Los ojos de su recién nacido son físicamente capaces de ver al nacer, pero su cerebro no está listo para procesar la información visual, por lo que las cosas permanecen borrosas por un tiempo. A través de sus experiencias, empezarán a conectar el significado con las señales visuales que se encuentran en su entorno. Cuando su hijo juega juegos que implican la vista que están desarrollando las habilidades de alfabetización temprana. Los juegos visuales les ayudan a reconocer objetos, palabras, patrones y consecuencias, así como desarrollar su memoria.

  • Veo, veo, ¿qué ves?
Con este divertido juego usamos nuestra vista para intentar descubrir, a modo de adivinanza, lo que esta en nuestro entorno. 
  • Veo, veo con los libros

Con los libros podemos juegar al "veo, veo..." de una manera muy divertida. Hable sobre las diferentes cosas que ve en las diferentes páginas. 

  • Juegos de Parejas
Juegue un juego que empareje con su niño. Ellos están usando sus ojos para jugar estos juegos y mejorar sus habilidades de discriminación visual.

Biblioteca Online para leer en casa juntos

Actualmente con la tecnologia podemos tener acceso a muchos recursos, por este motivo les ofrezco este articulo.

Segun la informacion obtenida por la web oficial de HoustonISD, Frogstreet nos ofrece una gran variedad de recursos. El plan de estudios del distrito para prekindergarten está alineado con las pautas de pre-kindergarten establecidas por el estado de Texas. Los estudiantes de Prekindergarten reciben instrucción en todas las áreas de lectoescritura, matemáticas, ciencias, estudios sociales, desarrollo social y emocional, habilidades motoras gruesas y finas, salud, artes visuales, música y educación física.

Para acceder a las bibliotecas temáticas así como a las bibliotecas de matemáticas y ciencias en inglés y español, los padres pueden visitar

Correo electrónico: parent
Contraseña: parent

El programa de Frogstreet:

  • Proporciona una instrucción completa e integrada en todos los dominios.
  • Equilibra la instrucción intencional con el aprendizaje centrado en el niño.
  • Proporciona equidad-inglés y español-de materiales e instrucción.
  • Ofrece una rutina diaria fuerte que desarrolla habilidades sociales y control emocional.
  • Apuesta por el poder de una fuerte interacción maestro-niño para desarrollar un rico lenguaje oral y un amplio vocabulario.
  • Proporciona una secuencia continua y sistemático para la construcción de habilidades y conceptos.
  • Usa los principios de aprendizaje basados ​​en la investigación como piedra angular de la instrucción.

Otras plataformas digitales que ofrecen lecturas online son:

Todas ellas con una gran variedad de historias, no todas ofrecen sus cuentos en ambos idiomas, pero igualmente es una oportunidad para pasar un rato divertido y leer en familia.
¿Cual fue tu historia favorita? ¿Por qué? 

Caracteristicas del estudiante que le gusta leer:

Como se ve en la imagen, los beneficios son muchos y se reflejan tambien en los resultados academicos, ya que la lectura amplia el vocabulario facilitando la comprension de la materia a estudiar. Otro aspecto muy importante en los estudiantes que le gustan leer -y su relacion con las buenos resultados- es su capacidad de explorar y descubrir cosas nuevas, ya que al comenzar la lectura de nuevas historias, nuestra curiosidad nos empuja a saber mas. Por consiguiente, nuestras ganas por saber se extenderan a otros campos de nuestra vida: la escuela.

Como resumen compartimos este video que habla sobre la lectura en familia.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Why do you pee in the first days of school?

Why do you pee in the first days of school?

English translation of my article: ¿Por que se hace pipi en los primeros dias de escuela?

The first days of school for Child Education students are filled with many new developments in their lives that can affect their emotions and behavior.


I do not know if they have verified that when in our adult lives there are periods of changes our character changes as well as our rest time, ... This same happens to the children, but with the difference that they do not yet have the tools sufficient to be able to manage them effectively.

Normally when it is normal for daycare students or Early Childhood Educators (or Primary Education if they never attended Infant Education) to express their restlessness, nervousness, and stresses of change with having a bath. We as adults must understand that they are situations not common to them, and therefore, we must talk to them and see what happens to them, explain that it is normal and that as such an accident will have the attention it should. It is obvious that we should not make a spectacle, or drama about the subject, much less ridicule them.

Occasionally, other situations can also affect the toilet: excitement in the game when you are in the playground, nightmares, presence of unpleasant situations like fights, separations and divorces, illness, ...

Many times we think of more students of Childhood Education as mini adults. It is true that more and more are asked for more responsibilities and, at the same time, they are still children and children with very early ages. Their personalities are still forming, in addition, not all have the same process and time of maturation, so we can not create great challenges, nor have high expectations of them, remember are children and girls in the process of growth and learning.

The problem, as explained on the site, usually disappears spontaneously after a period of weeks or months, the time depends on the support given to find the cause or how quickly the child adapt to the new situation that caused the discomfort.

"When these things happen, parents should stay calm, as they may also not be enough for children, and they do so as a wake-up call. They are generally thought to be spoiled and challenged, beaten, punished, when it is advisable to speak to them, ask them, listen to them, "advises Astudillo, who warns that neither should the child be blamed. Much less comment on what happened with the whole neighborhood, that creates a feeling of guilt and shame in the minor that in no way contributes to improve the situation" points out Astudillo.

When there are "changes" in their lives, please inform your teachers as soon as possible so that you can start working on possible solutions. Remember that the teacher of your child is an ally of you, is one of the most important pillars of their lives, and with who often your child spends a lot of time - almost as a member of the family. For this reason, we recommend to take away misconceptions about being judged, discuss the changes, and ask the counselor of your school so that you can be offered solutions and/or alternatives.

Fears and phobias in children


Free and non-commercial translation of the article in Spanish: Miedos y fobias en la infanciaFears and phobias in childhood

Fears are very common in certain periods of the child's age. Usually they are passengers and of little intensity.

Fears are emotions characterized by an intense, usually unpleasant sensation, triggered by the perception of a danger, real or supposed, present, future, or even past. They derive from natural aversion to risk or threat, and are manifested in all animals, which includes man.

Fears are very common phenomena throughout the development of the child. They usually appear coinciding with certain age periods, these fears are generally passive and of low intensity, spontaneously regressing as the child matures and develops. They are known as "evolutionary fears".

Phobias and anxiety are fears of great intensity, irrational and especially disproportionate to the risk of the situation or feared object that generally do not pose a real threat (darkness, small animals, etc.). They can cause an anxiety reaction and have negative repercussions on a personal and family level.

Most common fears in children are:

1) Fear of the dark: appears in one of every three children by 2 years and decreases to 8-9. It may include ingredients of other fears, such as fear of separation, imaginary and dangerous beings, thieves, noise, and abandonment.

It can be helped by accompanying him until he can fall asleep, keeping some light on that gradually reduces the intensity or leaving a small pilot. Try to make the sleeping environment as pleasant as possible. It is important to establish previous routines at bedtime, as these rituals will reassure you, helping you achieve a healthy sleep. It is recommended to avoid excessive activation before going to sleep. He can be kept company for a few minutes, talking about what happened in the day, reading a story or singing a song in a voice as monotonous as possible to induce sleep. Then he is clothed and always fired in the same way. If you need it, the maneuver can be repeated until you understand that it will remain in your bed and that nothing will happen to you.

2) Fear of separation: Fear of separating the persons with whom the child is affectively united is one of the most consolidated fears in the human species. It appears when you are away from the reference people to which you are linked, especially from the mother. It is normal for this fear to be transmitted from the age of 6, although in a small percentage it is maintained, evolving towards a disorder called "separation anxiety".

In order to avoid this problem, it is essential to promote from the outset the child's autonomy behaviors (avoiding overprotection, reinforcing the child's independence ...). Brief separations can be made at the beginning and made longer, congratulating and rewarding the achievements achieved by the child. Delegate care to other family members and ensure that other people closely relate to them (such as letting them sleep at a friend's house, etc.).

3) School fears: specific fears are included as specific elements or situations of the school environment (specific subjects, repeat course, dining room, etc.), being separated from parents or social activities that take place in school ( speaking in class, conflicting relationships with peers, etc.). This type of fears, unlike the others that diminish with the passage of the years, increase with the age. They need a strong attitude of parents and the collaboration of teachers. Prolonged school absences must be avoided, since every day that passes without going to school complicates returning to class.

4) Medical fears: include fears of physical pain, medical procedures and the health context (medications, injections and vaccines, blood, gowns and professionals, especially dentists).

Positive experiences in consultations function as a cushion that cushions the effect of subsequent damages. The calm attitude of the parents and the positive relationship with the health personnel are also protective factors.

General advice

Most child fears and fears disappear on their own without treatment, as the child matures and learns strategies to cope with feared situations. It is advisable to help him overcome his fears, avoid over protection and encourage the child to solve difficulties with help, but not always solved problems.

It must be borne in mind that sometimes fear is perpetuated by the advantages which, unintentionally, are gained by it. On the one hand, parents often adopt a sympathetic and tolerant attitude, providing the child with more whims or advantages and, on the other hand, can discharge obligations, duties or responsibilities. It should be really assessed whether it is desirable to make certain concessions (letting it pass into the parents' bed when there are night fears, leaving them at home without going to school, etc.) 

The use of fear to control child behavior is an inadequate educational practice. The "if you're not good, call the ..." or "if you do not take the syrup, we'll take you to the hospital to get punctured" solve the situations momentarily, but can generate problems in the long term. It is better to educate positively, using praise and encouragement, instead of threats and coercion. 

The fearful child can employ strategies to escape or avoid feared situations (such as pretending to have a stomachache to avoid going to school, crying when alone). If this happens you should avoid getting into quarrels or arguments. It is preferable to indifference, to have patience and to pretend that no complaints or tantrums are heard, celebrating on the contrary any positive action of the child, however insignificant, aimed at overcoming the fear. 

It is advisable to train the child in courage, encouraging him to gradually face up to situations that cause fear, highlighting their courageous behaviors with verbal aids (well !, super!, etc.) that are more powerful if accompanied by physical contact (clashing palms, slapping the back , etc.) 

Imitation has much to do with the acquisition of childish fears, so it is important to maintain composure and disguise one's fears in the presence of the child. The feelings of security aroused by the parent company counteract fear. It is advised to minimize the normal manifestations of fear of the child and try to remain calm in times of stress, otherwise the opposite result will be obtained and the child will be altered more. In new situations, changes can be added gradually, both in times as in intensity, so that it becomes accustomed (for example: to visit with the nursery before the first day of the school year). 

Other recommendations

Please, try to avoid the exposure to frightening experiences. You would be recommended to select films, readings, stories and shows appropriate for their age, not  horror movies or indiscriminate violence. It is useful at times to play  in fearful circumstances (sense of humor). 

If these general advice is not enough and the fear is intense, persistent and has negative repercussions on the child and his environment, it will be appropriate to look for another solution, talk to your doctor/physician.

The power is in your hands!

"The Power is in your hands"

Today, it may seem unnecessary to dedicate a day to the commemoration of an act of hygiene as simple and daily as the washing of hands with soap. However, this practice, considered a key and cost-effective (cheap) intervention that saves lives, is not as widespread as we can imagine.

Hand washing with soap is very little practiced: many people around the world wash their hands only with water, in the belief that to keep their hands clean is enough to remove visible dirt. For this reason, the rates of hand washing with soap at critical times, ie after using the toilet and before handling food, are very low (from zero to 34 percent).

In 2008, World Handwashing Day, a UNICEF initiative supported by all members of the Global Public-Private Partnership for the Promotion of Handwashing (PPPHW), was commemorated on 15 October. acronym in English). The purpose of World Handwashing Day is to raise awareness and understanding of the importance of handwashing with soap and water as an effective and cheap means of preventing disease. This celebration, initially addressed to groups of children and schools, has now been extended to other intervention sectors because of its importance and impact.

This motto is "Power is in your hands," because everyone has the power to make communities healthier if they wash their hands with soap.

Steps to wash your hands:

Important information about hand washing:
  • Washing your hands with only water is not enough: Washing your hands with only water is significantly less effective than washing your hands with soap. Proper hand washing requires soap and a small amount of water. Using soap facilitates rubbing, allowing to dissolve and remove grease and dirt, which contain most germs; also leaves a pleasant smell in the hands.
  • Hand washing with soap can prevent diseases that kill millions of children each year: hand washing with soap is one of the most effective ways to prevent diarrhea diseases and pneumonia, which are responsible for the majority of deaths children. Each year, more than 3.5 million children die before their fifth birthday due to these diseases. It can also prevent other infections such as intestinal parasites, influenza, eye and skin infections. Research shows that hand washing is effective in preventing disease transmission even in poor, heavily populated and contaminated settlements.
  • Critical moments for hand washing with soap are after using the bathroom or cleaning a child and before handling food: the hands are the main carriers of germs that cause illness. They should be washed with soap often, but always after using the toilet, after cleaning a child's stools (or after any other contact with human excreta, including those of infants and children) and before handling food. It is important to ensure that people have facilities to wash their hands at these critical times. There are simple, low-cost solutions that are within the financial and technological possibilities of all communities, even the poorest.
  • Hand washing with soap is the most cost - effective health intervention: promoting hand washing is effective and inexpensive compared to funding that other health interventions require. Investing $ 3.35 in hand washing brings the same health benefits as a $ 11 investment in latrine construction, or a $ 200 investment in home water supplies, or an investment of thousands of dollars in vaccines.
  • Children can be agents of change: the purpose of World Hand washing Day is to motivate children to embrace and share appropriate hand washing practices and make them "hand washing ambassadors" in each initiatives at the national and local levels.

World Handwashing Day Logo

When it comes to sharing good hygiene practices, children can act as agents of change and convey the "hands-on" lessons they learn at school to their homes and communities.

And what about you? 
Show us when and how you wash your hands! 

Friday, September 22, 2017

Habia una vez... un ejemplo y de ahi surgio todo!

"El principio de la educación es predicar con el ejemplo." A. R. J. Turgot.

Después del CUENTO de esta tarde, ¿comprobamos cómo ayudan los cuentos en el aprendizaje de nuestr@s peques?
¿Tienen los cuentos valor educativo?
¿Hay que descartar los cuentos clásicos o adaptarlos a nuestros tiempos?
¿Contar cuentos? Parece que las nuevas tecnologías están modificando esta costumbre.

Muy interesante el debate sobre los cuentos, cómo se abordan sus historias y sus aplicaciones pedagógicas.
Coloquio entre Sonia Kliass, psicóloga en desarrollo infantil; Gemma Pujals, profesora de Didáctica de la Lengua y literatura y Albert Marquès, narrador profesional.

Bilingualism, Dual language Instruction... y por que?

Muchos estudios hablan sobre la importancia de aprender varios idiomas y en un mundo cada vez mas globalizado y conectado saber otros idiomas nos abren puertas y ventanas.

Como docente he podido ver la incertidumbre de los padres y madres por proteger a sus hijos. Esta proteccion, en ocasiones, afecta en su educacion ya que por temor, miedo o desconocimiento a lo "nuevo" intentan frenar el avance y la mejora de sus propios hijos. Por este motivo quiero ofrecerles este interesante interesante articulo que habla sobre este tema:

Destacamos los siguientes párrafos de esta interesante publicación:

El cerebro tiene gran plasticidad y maleabilidad en los primeros años de vida, de ahí que para los niños sea fácil aprender un segundo idioma en edad temprana. Exponga a su hijo a otro idioma cuando sea pequeño y verá como lo adquiere con facilidad. Además, está comprobado que el saber dos o más idiomas desarrolla una mejor habilidad de pensamiento verbal.

También los estudios científicos concluyen una vez más que el cerebro aprende de manera óptima solo cuando el niño se siente seguro y feliz. Por eso es esencial brindarles tranquilidad para aprender. Al ser el cerebro más emocional que racional, cuando el niño se conecta emocionalmente con su profesor(a) y el material didáctico, le va a ir muchísimo mejor que cuando no lo hace.

Y lo que es muy importante: respetar el desarrollo individual y no forzar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de cada niño/a. Añadimos a esta idea una recomendación fundamental para un desarrollo óptimo y positivo: no podemos comparar resultados con hermanos/as, familiares o amigos/as de la misma etapa porque contribuiremos a crearles una actitud negativa con imagen de inferioridad, que en un futuro dará lugar a conductas envidiosas que focalizarán sus objetivos y/o metas en los logros ajenos y no en los propios.

Esta publicacion fue escrita hace ya varios anos, y compartida en uno de mis perfiles de facebook Robotico Storyteller.

Actividad de Storytelling en inglés/español en colegios  de Sevilla (España)

Mas información en otras publicaciones de este blog.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Love for reading in Prek & Kinder


Early Childhood Education is the foundation of everything, including the love of reading.

Our children love to be read and told stories, but we can do many more for them, such as those proposed here:

To start talking about READING, and they way we can have fun by doing so, we can start with an important general idea: The need of reading ALSO after school.

Why isn't the family going to help with reading?
The family environment is an important factor in helping children with learning, in general. Families can contribute to provide an environment that encourages positive developments in the reading of the youngest students:
  • Talk with your children. Gradually they will increase their vocabulary, stimulate them to ask questions about everything that interests them, surround and answer them. The more words they hear the more words they will know and the more words they can use in their daily conversation.
  • Listen to them and teach them how to listen to others. The more you talk and appreciate what you say, the better you can develop appropriate language patterns.
  • Read them. Every time you read, you are developing your love and interests for books and for reading; by reading you are helping them acquire a more elaborate language, which is ideal for their intellectual development.


  • Turn off the TV. Make it normal to have it turned off. Turn it on only to see a specific program. Television, in addition to distracting attention, does not encourage reading.
  • With younger children, look at children's picture books and tell stories. Stay alert to what you are interested in each time, to provide books that speak of it.
  • When you start reading, help you choose books of interest. You can ask your teachers for information, in libraries or bookstores.
  • After reading a book, talk about it together. Let him realize that for you the book is an important thing, as it will be for her or him.
  • Often visit the library with your son or daughter. Explain how and where you can get the books, and where you should leave them. Give him time to look at them and read them, even if he does not know the letters yet.
  • Have your daughter or child see you enjoying a book, magazine or newspaper. Tell them what you think about reading and invite them to participate.
  • Read with him or her for at least 15 minutes a day. EVERYDAY. And value these moments as true acts of communication and fun; never as an obnoxious obligation.
  • Take advantage of the moment when your sons and daughters go to read stories and stories with them. Get accustomed to reading a few minutes every night.


  • Read to your son or daughter. Show them the various forms of literature through the writings: stories, poetry, comics, comics, journalistic narration, ... Show them also different texts that we can see at home customarily: bills, letters, recipes, cinema, the notes we send from school, and all the written texts you have.
  • The stories are the first contact of the boy and the girl with the books. When you tell or read a story you create a fantasy world that allows you to stimulate your child's imagination. Apart from having fun, they can be used to introduce new vocabulary, to use new expressions of the language, to learn to listen, to attend, to read.
  • The stories that come out on TV replace those you can tell them. The exchange is different. The words read are not directly associated with any image, which causes a freer development of the imagination.
  • Look for bookstores, books, stories, magazines of interest for your child, according to their age and interests. Learn to choose what you like, while you guide.
  • Read a story but skip a word from time to time. Ask him to say a word that fits the meaning of the phrase.
  • Write words on tokens and ask them to associate them with drawings or objects at home. Write several letters in chips and ask your child to make words.
  • Take responsibility for a family calendar where you have to register and keep up with family events: parties, anniversaries, birthdays, trips, excursions ...
  • If there is a computer give your son or daughter the opportunity to use it. Maybe start by putting your names or by copying phrases from your favorite book.
  • Have her look for photos she likes in old magazines. Ask him to cut them and put titles to each one. Make them cut out words from newspaper headlines or commercials. Have them stick on a notebook and draw pictures in relation to those words.
  • Leave some time to sing songs or nanas with your son or daughter. Ask him to repeat his favorite children's songs or those we sing in class.
  • Cut out comic strips from the newspaper or magazines and ask your child to put the bullets in the correct order.
    • Ask her what words she would like to learn. Write them down in sheets and have your child place them alphabetically or by topic in a specially prepared box.
    • While preparing the meal, ask him to help you by reading parts of the recipe or by making a special menu.
    • Before the family embarks on a trip, have your child help with the preparations by writing a list of things to take, reading the road map ...
    • Read a story and ask him to invent a new title.
    • Read part of a story but skip the end. Ask him to come up with a new ending.
    • Constantly ask your son or daughter about the "why" of things, not only about the stories you read, but also about everyday incidents in the home or neighborhood.
    • Ask your son or daughter about your favorite part of the book or story you just read. Tell her.
    • Use the newspaper as a reading textbook. Ask your child to locate certain articles in different sections of the newspaper.
    • When you go shopping at the supermarket, have your son or daughter help you make the shopping list, and then check that you are buying everything.
    • When you receive letters or emails from friends or relatives, let your children read the parts that interest them, and also take care of answering some words.
    • When you go on the street with your son or daughter, read together the posters of the stores, the names of the streets, the commercials.
    • And of course everything that happens to you.
    If your child picks up a story and sits down to look at it and goes through the pages telling it to their shape, they are already taking the first step toward reading. I love it when I see that they do it in the corner of the library.

    ¿Por que se hace pipi en los primeros dias de escuela?

    ¿Por que se hace pipi en los primeros dias de escuela?

    Los primeros dias de escuela para los estudiantes de Educacion Infantil estan llenos de muchas novedades en sus vidas que pueden afectar a sus emociones y su conducta.


    No se si han comprobado que cuando en nuestras vidas adultas hay periodos de cambios nuestro caracter cambia al igual que nuestro tiempo de descanso,... Esto mismo le sucede a los mas peques, pero con la diferencia de que ellos aun no tienen las herramientas suficientes para poder gestionarlas con eficacia.

    Normalmente cuando a los estudiantes de guarderias (day-care) o de Educacion Infantil (o de Educacion Primaria si nunca asistieron a la Educacion Infantil) es normal que expresen su inquietud, nerviosismo y estres de los cambios con hacerse de bano encima. Nosotros como adultos debemos entender que son situaciones no comunes para ellos, y por lo tanto, debemos hablar con ellos y ver que les ocurre, explicarles que es normal y que como tal accidente tendra la atencion que debe. Es obvio que no debemos hacer un espectaculo, ni drama sobre el asunto, y mucho menos ridiculizarles.

    En ocasiones, otras situaciones tambien le pueden afectar a la hora de ir al bano: excitacion en el juego cuando estan en el parque de recreo, pesadillas, presencia de situaciones desagradables como peleas, separaciones y divorcios, enfermedades,...

    Muchas veces pensamos en los mas estudiantes de Educacion Infantil como mini adultos. Es cierto que cada vez mas se les pide mas responsabilidades y, al mismo tiempo, no dejan de ser ninos y ninas con edades muy tempranas. Sus personalidades aun se estan formando, ademas, no todos tienen el mismo proceso y tiempo de maduracion, por lo que no podemos crearles grandes retos, ni tener grandes expectativas de ellos, recuerden son ninos y ninas en proceso de crecimiento y aprendizaje.

    "El problema, según se explica en el sitio, suele desaparecer espontáneamente luego de un período de semanas o meses; el tiempo dependerá del apoyo que se dé para encontrar la causa desencadenante o de la rapidez con la que el niño se adapte a la nueva situación que le provocó el malestar.

    “Cuando ocurren estas cosas, los padres deben mantener la calma, pues puede ser también que no atiendan suficientemente a los niños y estos lo hacen como un llamado de atención. Generalmente se piensa que son malcriados y los retan, les pegan, los castigan, cuando lo aconsejable es hablarles, preguntarles, escucharlos”, aconseja Astudillo, quien advierte que tampoco se debe culpar al niño. Mucho menos comentar lo sucedido con todo el barrio, eso crea un sentimiento de culpa y vergüenza en el menor que en nada aporta a mejorar la situación”, puntualiza Astudillo".

    Cuando haya "cambios" en sus vidas, por favor, informen a sus maestros/as lo mas pronto posible para asi poder comenzar a trabajar en soluciones conjuntas. Recuerde que el maestro/a de su hijo/a es un aliado/a de usted, es uno de los pilares mas importantes de sus vidas, y con el que muchas veces pasa muchisimo tiempo -casi como un miembro mas de la familia-. Por este motivo, quitese ideas erroneas de ser juzgado/a, comente los cambios y pida consejo al consejero/a de su escuela para que pueda ofrecer soluciones y/o alternativas.

    Otras webs sobre este asunto: 

    Les invito a que "crezcamos" juntos y compartan conmigo sus formas de motivacion para las tareas.

    Maestro Usero.

    Licencia de Creative Commons
    Este obra cuyo autor es está bajo una licencia de Reconocimiento-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional de Creative Commons.

    Thursday, September 14, 2017

    Trucos para motivar en el comienzo de curso

    Que bien, campeon!

    Que bien, campeona!

    Trucos para motivar desde casa en un ambiente comodo para todos.

    En ocasiones a los mas peques les de pereza hacer alguna actividad de repaso, normalmente estan jugando o viendo su serie de dibujos favorita y no la quieren dejar.  No vamos a ser siempre los "malos", asi que pondremos en practica algunos de estos trucos.

    ¿Por que no invitarles a "jugar"?

    Encontrar el elemento divertido y de entretenimiento a algunas actividades no esta de mas, sino todo lo contrario les motivara a aprender jugando. Asi salimos ganando todos. Para comenzar a jugar podemos hacerles una invitacion al juego como "te apetece colorear?" "mira que libro he encontrado, quieres que te lo lea?" Creamos la invitacion, es decir, buscamos la manera de que se acerquen y les apetezca aprender de forma divertida. E incluso si alguna actividad se puede hacer fuera, pues preparen la mochila y unos sandwiches y al parque! que empiece la aventura!!!

    Es importante que todo sea como un juego, es decir, hay normas que regulan el juego, no normas que "castiguen", por lo tanto no podemos usar palabras que digan "No! esta MAL!" ni criticamos con dureza, borramos o tiramos lo que estan haciendo (nunca). Todo lo contrario, queremos crear una atmosfera de paz y cordialidad, entonces ¿usamos palabras que nos gustan a todos? Si nos equivocamos, pues no pasa nada, decimos unas palabras como "Intentalo de nuevo", "no te preocupes, no es facil, pero lo conseguiremos",...

    Las palabras ayudan, pero una accion mucho mas: juguemos juntos, crezcamos juntos. 

    Muy importante cuando ofrezcamos nuestra ayuda es que nunca nos desesperemos o lleguemos a perder la "tranquilidad" y queramos ofrecer la respuesta. Asi no conseguimos mucho, todo lo contrario, se acostrumbrara a obtener las respuestas de ti. Y lo que es mejor aun, sera un juego para saber que decir para que les digas las respuestas jejeje... y caereis. En su caso, actuaremos como guias y les dejaremos que exploren. Para los mas peques, es recomendable hacer preguntas breves, cortas y directas, ya que estan aprendiendo a usar el idioma, y si usamos expresiones complicadas para ellos, se perderan.

    En relacion a las respuestas y el aprendizaje, debemos ser pacientes en su progreso. Cada estudiante tiene su propio ritmo de aprendizaje, por lo que no intentemos correr cuando no somos perfectos en andar. Y, con esto, incluimos tambien las comparaciones. 
    Por favor, NO SE COMPARAN CON NADIE, pero ni para lo bueno ni para lo malo. 
    A ninguno de nosotros nos gusta que nos comparen, somos unicos, y asi debemos seguir siendo, pero si podemos hacer algo, ayudar.

    Y otra cosa importante que les ayuda mucho, y que esta muy relacionado con su aprendizaje afectivo, emocional y social, es el refuerzo fisico con un "hi 5", "que bien lo has hecho, campeon/a!!!!" Les sirve de animo, de apoyo para continuar aprendiendo. A todos nos gustan que nos digan tambien si lo estamos haciendo bien, verdad? Pues a los peques tambien!

    En mis anos de experiencia como docente estos "trucos" me han funcionado, por supuesto que hay muchisimos mas. Les invito a que "crezcamos" juntos y compartan conmigo sus formas de motivacion para las tareas.

    Maestro Usero.

    Licencia de Creative Commons
    Este obra cuyo autor es está bajo una licencia de Reconocimiento-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional de Creative Commons.