Sunday, November 24, 2019

What is a 5-E model?

What is a 5-E model?

This model describes a teaching sequence that can be used for complete programs,
specific units and individual lessons. These strategies support the constructivist learning cycle,
which helps students create their own understanding of new experiences and ideas.

The 5-E model is a method for structuring a research-based teaching method is based on a
model developed by the Biological Sciences Curriculum Study (BSCS). This model employs 5Es:
engage, explore, explain, elaborate and evaluate, and is based on a constructivist philosophy of

In this learning philosophy, students build or develop their own understanding of new ideas based
on what they already know. Each E represents part of a sequential instruction process or learning
cycle designed to help students build their own learning experiences and the final understanding
of the topic or concept. 

The 5 E model represent the five stages of the teaching and learning sequence: 
  • Engage,
  • Explore, 
  • Explain, 
  • Elaborate
  • and Evaluate. 

  • Engage-Achieve student interest and have them personally participate in the lesson,
and at the same time, make an assessment of prior knowledge. 

  • During this stage, students are presented with an educational task. 
  • They make connections between past and present learning experiences, and think about
what they will learn during the next activities. 

  • The 5 E model activities are designed for students to participate through activities and
experiments, plans class stimulate students' curiosity and encourage them to ask their own questions.
  • Teachers:
    • At this stage, teachers present a topic or concept with a question or demonstration
    • fascinating, intriguing and challenging designed to capture student interest, curiosity,
and attention.

    • At this stage, teachers do not seek a "Correct Answer"; Instead, they encourage
students to talk about what they already know about the subject (or think they can know) and
discuss what else students would like to know.

  • Exploration makes students get involved with the topic so that they can develop their
own understanding.
  • Exploration experiences provide students with activities that help them identify and improve
current concepts (i.e., misconceptions), processes and skills. 
  • Students have practical fun in laboratory activities that help them use their prior knowledge
to generate new ideas, explore questions and possibilities, as well as design and conduct preliminary
  • The teacher acts as a moderator, delivering materials and guiding the students.
  • Teachers:
    • During the exploration, students perform various activities to solve problems or
practices and experiments designed to help them explore the topic and make connections to
concepts related, often within groups or teams. 
    • During this stage, students share experiences common, while the teacher acts as a
facilitator, providing materials as needed and guiding the students' approach.

  • This stage provides students with the opportunity to communicate what they have learned
and understand what it means. 
  • At this stage, students begin to communicate what they have learned by demonstrating their
understanding of conceptual, process skills or behaviors. 
  • Students share ideas with each other and with their teacher, who provides an explanation of
the curriculum that is made to guide them towards a deeper understanding. 
  • These segments present vocabulary in context and correct or redirect the wrong concepts.
  • Teachers:
    • At this stage, teachers help students observe patterns, analyze results, and/or draw
conclusions based on their activities and research. 
    • Teachers also define vocabulary that is relevant.

  • This stage allows students to use their new knowledge and continue to develop a deeper
and broader understanding.
  • During the elaboration, the students expand the concepts they have learned, make
connections with other related concepts and apply their knowledge to the world around them
through additional activities. 
  • Teachers:
    • Teachers challenge and expand knowledge and students' conceptual skills.
    • At this stage, the teachers help students make connections based on the concepts
or ideas they have learned previously with other related concepts and new situations.

  • Evaluate how much learning has been achieved. 
  • The evaluation phase helps students and teachers assess how much learning and
understanding has been achieved. It allows teachers to evaluate progress
  • Students with respect to the achievement of educational objectives.
  • Evaluation and assessment can occur at any time during the educational process.
  • Teachers:
    • In the final stage, teachers evaluate or value the students' understanding of the
subject studied. 
    • This assessment can be formal or informal, but it must demonstrate a clear
understanding of what students have learned throughout the lesson.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

When planning learning activities...

Before designing your lesson plans you should ask yourself some questions...

design-planning-lesson-reflection-Jackie GERSTEIN
I think this picture could help us, teachers ;)

El aprendiz incansable

Nuestra vida es aprendizaje, y esto, el aprendizaje, nos afecta desde antes de nacer. Nuestro cerebro está en conexión con el sistema nervioso que le nutre de los estimulos tanto externos como internos.

Aquí estoy yo, casi a mis 40 años, y aún aprendiendo. O al menos eso creo yo. Realizando mi doctorado en una universidad americana tras tener algunos titulos universitarios de España. Siempre buscando algo nuevo que aprender, que añadir a mi cajón del conocimiento.

Aquí estoy yo, buscando más que hacer en cursos online y presenciales. Creo que las ansias de aprender se pueden comparar con el hambre en mi caso. Siempre tengo buen apetito. La parte positiva es que el conocimiento no tiene grasas y otras sustancias que te hacen parecer más gordo. Tiene otros efectos, bastante interesantes, por cierto. Y no a todo el mundo les "cae" igual. No sé si tendrá que ver con el metabolismo de cada persona, o su herencia genética, pero está claro que a cada uno le sienta de una manera distinta.

De forma generalizada, el aprendizaje te da nuevas herramientas, conocimientos, estrategias, habilidades, necesitas de otros para realizar dicha función. Últimamente, aquí hablan mucho de la socialización, me refiero en los Estados Unidos. ¿Quiere decir que han estado aprendiendo por si solos? Supongo que no, porque entonces los maestros y docentes, los directores/as servirían para algo, ¿verdad? ¿Y los padres y madres, y las familias? ¿Y los compañeros/as de clase? No seguiré mencionando a más gente importante en el viaje del aprendizaje. Lo que me alegra saber es que ya empiezan a "relacionarse" con los demás en este enriquecedor y maravilloso proceso, el aprendizaje.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Sales are coming


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Monday, February 4, 2019

A teacher’s perception of one event

I just need to vent...

It’s frustrating when parents are complaining about teachers because they don’t feel comfortable with the exposure to knowledge and other languages like in my case, dual-language Spanish Instruction. 

Last year one mom spent the whole school year complaining about my Spanish lessons, her daughter was terrified of me, because she felt anxiety and stress in my class while her brother and the rest of her peers enjoyed my classes. The mom accused me of... many things none of them good and with a disrespectful way telling many things why I should leave my job as a teacher. That was Prekindergarten.

Today I saw on social media that both of them are participating in the rodeo, riding wild animals. The mom is super proud of it, no complaints here! No possible danger of falling and other harmful risks are mentioned... 

That’s the saddest part of our amazing and enriching job we do for others.
The most comforting part, when those children see me at school the come to me to say hi and how much they miss me...

How much do some families value education?
Do they really appreciate the learning experience and the good formation as good citizens that they are acquiring?
 How much do they really care about them concerning values in education?  And other values like respect, gratitude, empathy, hard work and rewards?
How support do this kind of families give to their own children? And their future?

Forgive me if you feel offended while reading this, it wasn’t my intention. Just venting!

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Prepara palomitas, vamos a aprender español!!!

Te gusta ver la tele?
Te gustan las series de television?

Esta es tu mejor oportunidad para aprender este fantastico idioma y su cultura.

Enciende la TV! o tu tablet!

¡Es hora de comenzar a ver una serie de televisión que ayudará a mejorar su vocabulario, pronunciación y aprender nuevas expresiones!

Es probable que ya estés viendo algunos programas o series para desconectar y relajarse al final del dia o para distraerse un poco los fines de semana. ¿Por qué no hacer un pequeño cambio de hábito y empezar a ver series y programas en espanol? Personalmente, ver series en otros idiomas me ayudo bastante, y posiblemente tu experiencia tambien pueda ser positiva.

A continuación, encontrará los mejores programas de televisión para aprender español, de modo que pueda mejorar su audición y comprensión mientras se relaja desde la comodidad de su sofá. Sientate -o tumbate-, que empieza...


Destinos, enfocada para estudiantes principiantes de este idioma, es una serie en español de 52 episodios. La historia trata de una familia que vive en Mexico. El abuelo de la familia, dueno de una gigantesca hacienda, tiene un gran secreto y su abogada, Raquel Rodríguez intentara encontrar pistas para resolverlo, para ello tendra que viajar a México, España, Argentina y Puerto Rico. Es una gran oportunidad para ver la maravillosa diversidad cultural y de acentos de nuestro idioma y su cultura.

La uso con mis estudiantes de espanol y les gusta bastante.

El ministerio del Tiempo

Es una serie actual (2018) de Espana donde los personajes tienen que viajar al pasado para salvar el presente y futuro, para que nada cambie en la historia. Los personajes suelen usar un lenguaje claro. Es una gran oportunidad para aprender historia y cultura al mismo tiempo que aprendemos espanol.

 La respuesta esta en la historia

Es otra serie, de capitulos muy cortos, bucea en la Historia para mostrarnos el origen de los actuales usos y costumbres. Una pareja de jóvenes universitariosestan realizando un trabajo cuyo objetivo es enseñar a los andaluces que el origen de todo lo que les rodea, de todo lo que usan, del porqué somos como somos… está en la historia, en la fascinante historia del territorio de Andalucía. Con la ayuda de sus familiares y amigos, los dos jóvenes recorren Andalucia (en el lugar y espacio) haciéndose preguntas sobre el origen de las cosas más cotidianas, cuyas respuestas encontrarán en pequeñas píldoras documentales.


Al puro estilo de "Friends" esta serie y sus divertidos personajes nos ensenan espanol, con un lenguaje muy claro. En 13 episodios, un poco más de 20 minutos, Extra te da tiempo para conocer a los personajes y desarrolla la trama a lo largo de una temporada.

Verano Azul

Es una de las series que mas exito tuvo en Espana durante las decadas de los 80 y 90. Trata de cinco chicos y dos chicas que pasan su verano en la Costa del Sol, donde haran muchos mas amigos y viviran miles de aventuras. Por supuesto, debemos destacar el personaje de Chanquete, con su barco.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Augmented Reality, what???

Although it is a technology that has been on the market for years, reality has remained in the background until the arrival of the Pokémon GO. But do you know what it is or what is it for? We will tell you

Augmented reality has become a real-time "reality", in images, in markers or in virtual information, about the physical world. This creates an environment in which information and virtual objects are merged with real ones, offering an experience for the user that can reach a form of their daily reality. Therefore, there are many who see a new lens to see the world, and hence the qualifier of "augmented."

Advancements of devices, especially mobile devices, have been a place for us to enjoy this technology in a generalized way today. But the essential element is permanent connectivity, which enhances the great use of these services.

For this, four basic ingredients are necessary. The first one is an element that captures real images, such as a camera. An element is also needed to project a mixture of real images with those digitalized, such as a computer, a mobile phone or a console. You also need a processing element, or several of them that work. This serves to interpret the real-world information that the user receives, generate the virtual information that each service needs and mix it properly.

Finally, an element "augmented reality activator" is also necessary. In a world, the system should react.
However, other elements that replace it are used. For example, GPS, accelerometers or compasses. Even in the future, these elements could be eliminated. How? Projecting information so that the eye could see it on glasses, the retina or some advanced holographic technique.

As we said at the beginning, one of the most successful applications of today is Pokémon GO, which offers the possibility of catching pokémon thanks to augmented reality. This game has had a great unprecedented mobilization and represents a great advance for this technology.

Aprender español con plataformas online

Si está tan interesado en el tema de los cursos de español online, les presento algunas plataformas con cursos que les puede ser útil, dependiendo de su nivel.


El curso Futurelearn diseñado para principiantes avanzados. Consta de 6 partes, cada una de ellas dedicada a un tema específico. Atención, cada parte tiene su tiempo de apertura y cierre.


En "Coursera" podrás encontrar varios cursos, algunos de ellos son:

📌 Curso sobre las diferencias de estilo, todo tipo de innovaciones en el idioma, etc. Usan un lenguaje claro. Es abierto y puedes entrar gratis. Sin prisas y a tu ritmo.
📌 Curso para principiantes, que consta de cinco partes, con amplio vocabulario sobre varios temas: cultura, deporte, etc. de acceso gratuito sólo durante una semana, después hay que pagar. En este caso, si lo quieres terminar, hay que correr y aprender rápido.


📌 Curso para A1-A2 del Instituto Cervantes sobre cómo se puede hablar sobre la ciudad, lo que sucede en la ciudad, además de una breve información sobre Madrid, Barcelona, ​​La Habana y Santiago, por ejemplo. Es un curso corto, conciso; suficiente para saber algunas expresiones.

📌 Curso para profesores ELE sobre algunas dificultades a la hora de enseñar español a extranjeros y cómo explicar los mismos fenómenos en diferentes niveles. Universidad de Tenerife.

📌 Curso básico de ortografía sobre los errores típicos de la gramática española. También gratuito.

📌 Curso básico de ortografía sobre puntuación y normas explicadas con claridad. Universidad de El Salvador.


📌 Curso para principiantes, muy detallado y con claridad, con una explicación de las reglas de lectura y temas del nivel A1. En el curso podrás encontrar videos cortos, audios, ejercicios de pronunciación, etc. Es gratuito, pero por un tiempo limitado.


📌 Curso para principiantes nivel A1.  Las clases se desarrollan en base a diálogos de dos estudiantes extranjeros que participaron en un programa de intercambio. Método inductivo, primero se realiza la escucha para luego presentar la gramática. Presta atención y no pierdas detalle.


📌 La App Tutellus trata algunos aspectos de la gramática, principalmente la sintaxis (preposiciones, oraciones impersonales, etc.).

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Educational Research - some reflections

What does it mean to do educational research?
Why should you research in the educational field?
Why is it so important?

We all know about research on medicine and health, but we do little about research on education. Compared to medicine and education, research still has relatively influence on educators, I mean, on the work of educators. Educational research develops new knowledge about teaching, learning, leadership, and administration. This new knowledge will lead to the improvement of educational practice, that's why this knowledge is of value.

The incorporation of research on education is necessary, since this has become a reference of essential quality within the pedagogical-training process that is implemented in the different institutions, schools and educational centers of the country, as it is precisely researching the renovating element, activator and transformer of educational practices and facilitates the complete extinction of memory, mechanical, passive and repetitive vices survivors of the old behaviorism and traditionalism; and on the other hand, without minimizing quality, in the student's training there is a reflexive, critical and analytical process that makes learning a significant act, allowing the student to dare to propose alternative solutions to school, personal, group problems, family and social.

Research is one of the most important quality references within the qualification of the training process that is taught in a school, center or institution; this means that the student, teacher or student who does not investigate, will be outside the requirement index of the new educational proposals, which means that they would not be at the forefront of the scientific and technological advances of humanity. With the development of the research process in an institution, all the members of the educational community benefit, mainly the students because they manage to develop a series of skills and abilities for the generation of new knowledge from the critical and reflexive point of view; In the same way, the methodological process used by teachers is strengthened.

Research is also vitally important in the dynamics of construction of interdisciplinary knowledge, in the sense that it is precisely the path that must be followed for the construction of meaningful knowledge for the student in training, since these arise as a result of the process of reflection, analysis of real situations that are confronted with existing theories.

Educational research is of great social importance since it is a powerful tool that closes the gap between the problems and solutions in education, as problems of transcendence and sociocultural projection are identified and resolved that affect the educational process of all the members of the educational community.

Stages and phases

Martínez M. (1999: 36), proposes the following general processes of qualitative research based on ethnography, which seems to us very complete in the various stages and phases proposed:

FIRST STAGE. The general design of the research process

Phase. 1. Determination of the objectives. The choice of certain objectives or the approach of certain problems to solve imply the adoption of a special epistemological orientation or the acceptance of a certain theory, or rely on some basic assumptions. Choosing the objectives of an investigation presents, in addition, other problems of different degree of difficulty. The first is a philosophical and ethical background and needs a justification: what I am going to study and why. The second problem is related to methodological strategies and tries to clearly delineate what one wants to investigate.

Phase. 2. An approach to the problem. The problem does not occur before but emerges from the exploratory dynamics that the researcher carries out. Ethnographic researchers feel highly stimulated when they commit themselves to a new field study guided only by a "central idea" of the problem areas present as interesting. One of the most satisfying aspects of the ethnographic approach is precisely to feel free to discover a common thread, rather than feel obliged to investigate a predetermined problem that could exist, in fact, only in the mind of the researcher.

SECOND STAGE. Collection and description of the information

Phase 1. Fieldwork. It refers to the place where the ethnographer must go to find the information or the "data" he needs. The basic criterion for this point is of a general nature, it is necessary to emphasize the information you have to look for it where it is. The observation should not distort, distort or disturb the true reality of the phenomenon being studied. It is extremely convenient that the procedures used to make the observations repeated times; for this, it will be necessary to try to record the interviews, shoot the scenes, take the photographs, make detailed annotations of the circumstances and situations. Ethnographic research is the work of only one person, although there are others who collaborate since it is a unique mental process. Another aspect of great relevance is that the basic tasks of collecting data, categorizing and interpreting them are not performed in successive times, but are continually intertwined. That is, our mind does not respect a temporal sequence of these activities.

Phase. 2. Choice of the sample. The choice of the sample will depend on what we plan to do with it and what we believe it can do with it. The choice of the sample in an ethnographic study requires the researcher to specify precisely which is the relevant population or research phenomenon, using criteria that can be based on theoretical or conceptual considerations, personal interests, situational circumstances or other considerations. The ability to identify how a particular group perceives events, comparing it with the perceptions of other groups and constructing a larger image from the point of view of an external observer, is one of the strengths of qualitative ethnographic research.

Phase. 3. Entry into the study group. In ethnography supposedly what people say and do is consciously or unconsciously influenced by their social situation. The ethnographer is, therefore, very sensitive to the way in which he introduces himself into an environment and carefully establishes the role that the gathering of information can facilitate. Just as there are places and groups where access is free and permanence does not offer any difficulty, others are practically almost impenetrable, such as organized crime groups. For all these reasons, the researcher will sometimes have to resort to very varied strategies to achieve their goals, expose their reasons and objectives, rely on their professionalism, ensure full respect for confidentiality and secrecy, obtain permission from higher authorities. hierarchy in the institutions, resorting to the help of friends, relatives or acquaintances who have contact with the groups.

Phase. 4. Procedures and instruments. Observation is the oldest and most used technique in all types of research. In the case of qualitative and ethnographic research, without neglecting the help that many good instruments can offer, the observer often becomes their main instrument. However, it is possible to identify the instruments and techniques most frequently used by ethnographic researchers: participant observation, field notes; the interview with key informants; sound recordings, video and photography; The analysis of documents and artifacts; The open questionnaires; The individualized scales and ranges; The observation forms: Semantic differential techniques; the projective techniques.

THIRD STAGE. Categorization and Content Analysis

Phase 1. Categorization of contents. It is to codify the obtained protocol description. It is about categorizing or classifying the parts in relation to the whole, describing significant categories or classes, constantly designing and redesigning, integrating and reintegrating the whole and the parts, as the material is revised and the meaning of each sector, event, fact or data. The categorization process will follow these steps: Transcribe in detail the contents of protocol information. Divide the contents into thematic units. Then categorize is to classify, conceptualize or codify by a term or expression that is clear and unambiguous.

Phase. 2. Content analysis. The word analysis in its etymological origin means to separate or divide the parts of a whole in order to understand the principles and elements that compose it. For this reason, when reflecting and concentrating on the contents of the interviews, recordings, field descriptions in that contemplation, categories or expressions will appear in our minds.

FOURTH STAGE. Interpretation and theorization

Phase. 1. Use of analogies, metaphors, and models. Our mind is unable to work without continuously using analogies. Our mind captures the nature of things unknown because of their analogical relationship or because of their structural similarity to others that they already know. That is why the promotion and use of the imagination through comparisons, similes, metaphors, and analogies, will lead us to create a model that can represent conceptually and a theoretical structure as an image of the reality studied. Although the analogies and the models have unquestionably constituted a fertile source of scientific theories.

FIFTH STAGE. Preparation of the final report

The researcher will specify the steps or fundamental stages of his work: his interest in the subject studied epistemological and theoretical framework, research design, planning, choice of sample, data collection, categorization analysis, theoretical structuring, and possible applications. The role that researchers must play is more to suggest possible lines of action that are directly and logically derived from the conclusions of the research.

In the use of analogies, metaphors, and models, our mind captures the nature of things unknown because of their analogical relationship or because of their structural similarity to others that they already know. That is why the promotion and use of the imagination through comparations, similes, metaphors, analogies, will lead us to create a "model" that can conceptually and adequately represent a theoretical structure as an image of the reality studied.

Spanish personal pronouns (subject function) and "SER" worksheet with solutions

Mini-Lesson in Spanish: Activities with solutions

Product Description
Mini lesson in Spanish for new students including:
- personal pronouns functioning as subjects of the sentece.
- "SER" verb conjugations and uses
- Activities
- Solutions

If you are interested in learn Spanish personal pronouns and the verb "ser", please click on this link: