Sunday, August 12, 2018

Early Childhood language development Series - Language Development I

The following series of posts are part of my research during my Early Childhood Teaching Bachelor Degree, more than five years ago.

Nowadays many students in Prek and K present problems at speaking, that is, their oral language development. This post and the following ones are going to help understand it a little more, or at least I hope so.

 Language Development Introduction
(Early Childhood Language Develpment Series)

What is Language? by The Open University

What do we understand by language?
Language is a complex function that allows expressing and perceiving affective states, concepts, ideas... through acoustic or graphic signs. The function of the language implies:

    • A system of rules: language is the one that specifies the way to use verbal material to mean (symbolize) external or imaginary reality.

      • The materialization of this system of rules in oral and writing language.

Language is the most characteristic feature of the Human Beings and is distinctive with respect to other species. All animal species have behaviors to communicate, but in none of them we can find something similar to language. By language it is necessary to understand "that complex function that allows to express and perceive affective states, concepts, ideas, by means of acoustic or graphic signs"

The language is a system of signs or symbols that are used for communication in a particular coding, for the representation of objects, people, events, thoughts... this representation involves physical and physiological (acoustic-perceptive), cognitive, emotional and social processes.

The development of the linguistic system is essential for social and intellectual development and vice versa. Therefore, to evaluate the development of language is to evaluate the development of an interactive communication system that serves to establish contact with our surrounding world, to establish relationships to learn and be able to think (Del Barrio, 1997).

The functions of language are communication and representation.

Language enhances cognitive development, and vice versa. Language is acquired in and through the social medium; the social environment, in turn, conditions the type of language.

The language is affected by affective deficiencies.

What is the acquisition of language?

It represents a great change, since the communicative possibilities with itself and with others are extended. Language is an instrument of knowledge and transformation of reality.

Children begin to use language not because they have an ability to use language, but because they need to achieve the realization of things that their use confers on them. Parents help them with a similar spirit: they want to help them become civilized human beings, not just language speakers. (Bruner, 1986).

In my next posts I´ll talk about the dimensions of language.

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